I am having trouble with Siesta - an iOS REST Client Framework https://bustoutsolutions.github.io/siesta/.
Below is a simple example of a POST request to a REST API server, which fails with a "unsupported URL" error. Does anybody out there have any experience with Siesta and what could be wrong?
let api = Service(base: "http://myapidomain.net/rest")
enabledLogCategories = LogCategory.all
let parameters = ["username": "username", "password": "password"]
api.resource(url: "users/login").request(.POST, json: NSDictionary(dictionary: parameters)).success { data in
debugPrint("success logging in")
}.failure { error in
debugPrint("failed to log in")
[Siesta:Configuration] Computing configuration for Siesta.Resource(users/login)[]
[Siesta:Configuration] Applying config 0 [Siesta default response transformers] to Siesta.Resource(users/login)[]
[Siesta:NetworkDetails] Request:
headers: (1)
Content-Type: application/json
[Siesta:Network] POST users/login
[Siesta:Network] – ← POST users/login
[Siesta:NetworkDetails] Raw response headers: –
[Siesta:NetworkDetails] Raw response body: 0 bytes
[Siesta:NetworkDetails] Response after transformer pipeline: (new data)
userMessage: "unsupported URL"
nsError: "unsupported URL"
"failed to log in"
The Service.resource(url:)
method — the one with the parameter labeled url:
— expects a complete URL. It looks like you want Service.resource(_:)
, which takes a path relative to the Service’s base URL.