I would like to write a module which will perform some action based on function type provided by "user" in different file. This function will be passed as an argument of "execute(...)" subroutine of that module. This is basically what I want to obtain, but I don't know if this is possible and how should I do it correctly.
module mod1
subroutine execute(func)
interface func
real function func1(a,b)
real a,b
end function
real function func2(a,b,c)
real a,b,c
end function
! more similar functions here
end interface func
! -------------------
! here some how choose between func1 or func2
! and do the calculations
if(func1) then ...
else if(func2) ...
! -------------------
endsubroutine execute
endmodule mod1
use mod1
call execute(test)
real function test(a,b)
real a,b
test = a + b
end function
end program
I know that this code wont compile, but this is just a sketch how it would look like. For now, the only ugly solution for that problem for me is to write many alternatives for execute subroutine i.e execute_1, execute_2 and depending on the test function user will have to choose proper execute_X function.
Is there any better solution for that problem?
Thanks in advance. KK
You can also put the interfaces in the module header, and use the procedure attribute for func1 and func2 like so. This is useful if you want to use them elsewhere, since you are only defining them in one place.
module mod1
abstract interface
real function f1(a,b)
real,intent(in) :: a,b
end function f1
real function f2(a,b,c)
real,intent(in) :: a,b,c
end function f2
end interface
subroutine execute(func1, func2)
procedure(f1),optional :: func1
procedure(f2),optional :: func2
if (present(func1)) x = func1(a, b)
if (present(func2)) x = func2(a, b, c)
end subroutine execute
end module mod1