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Change superclass instance variables from subclass

I got this task and I can't quite figure out how to solve it: "Change all three of the x-variables related to the C-class."

class A {
    public int x;

class B extends A {
    public int x;

class C extends B {
    public int x;

    public void test() {
        //There are two ways to put x in C from the method test():
        x = 10;
        this.x = 20;

        //There are to ways to put x in B from the method test():
        ---- //Let's call this Bx1 for good measure.
        ---- //Bx2

        //There is one way to put x in A from the method test();
        ---- //Ax1

To test, I set up this:

public class test {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        C c1=new C();

        B b1=new B();

        A a1=new A();

Which gives 20, 0, 0.

Now, I figured out I could write Bx1 like this:


That would change the x in B, but I could not figure out how to call it in my

How do you get Bx1, Bx2, Ax1, and how do you call them for a test?


  • You can access the superclass's version of x by using a superclass type reference:

    System.out.println("A's x is " + ((A)this).x);

    That will get A#x.

    But in general, it's a very bad idea to shadow a superclass's public instance members.

    Example: (live copy on IDEOne)

    class Example
        public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
            new C().test();
    class A {
        public int x = 1;
    class B extends A {
        public int x = 2;
    class C extends B {
        public int x = 3;
        public void test() {
            //There are two ways to put x in C from the method test():
            System.out.println("(Before) A.x = " + ((A)this).x);
            System.out.println("(Before) B.x = " + ((B)this).x);
            System.out.println("(Before) C.x = " + this.x);
            ((A)this).x = 4;
            System.out.println("(After) A.x = " + ((A)this).x);
            System.out.println("(After) B.x = " + ((B)this).x);
            System.out.println("(After) C.x = " + this.x);


    (Before) A.x = 1
    (Before) B.x = 2
    (Before) C.x = 3
    (After) A.x = 4
    (After) B.x = 2
    (After) C.x = 3