I have implemented an A* algorithm in Go to find the path between two coordinates on a map. The map data is fetched with mgo from a MongoDB collection.
It is however very slow. It sits around 4 seconds for a 1000 meter route. I have timed the different parts of the algorithm and concluded that the bottle neck is in the fetching from the database. Or to be precise: in the conversion from binary data to a data structure that Go understands.
I try to do as few requests as possible, and multi-thread the requests to make it faster, and it helps to a certain extent. But it's not nearly as fast as I wish it was.
It seems like I'm doing something fundamentally wrong. Any suggestions at all would be helpful.
Data structure in mongoDB: (Nodes fetched from OSM)
{ "_id" : NumberLong(194637483),
"lat" : 55.7079899,
"lon" : 13.3756414,
"neighbours" : [ NumberLong(1566264689), NumberLong(1566264806) ]
Data structure in Go
type Node struct {
ID int64 `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
Lat float64 `bson:"lat" json:"lat"`
Lon float64 `bson:"lon" json:"lon"`
Neighbours []int64 `bson:"neighbours" json:"neighbours"`
Code for getting a piece of data:
func addToBufferLong(buffer *WriteLockMap, session *mgo.Session, at, goal geo.Node, lowerLat, higherLat, lowerLon, higherLon float64) {
c := session.DB("collectionName").C("nodes")
query := c.Find(bson.M{"lat": bson.M{"$gt": lowerLat, "$lt": higherLat}, "lon": bson.M{"$gt": lowerLon, "$lt": higherLon}})
var nodes []geo.Node
for _, node := range nodes {
tmp := PathNode{0, node.DistanceTo(goal), 0, node}
buffer.m[node.ID] = tmp
The multi-threading strategy is based on splitting the area I wish to query into 4 different squares, quadrants if you will, and doing them separately with addToBufferLong(...)
Most recent print-outs:
> time GOMAXPROCS=8 ./toystar
Starting A star
Thread A, count: 19657, db-fetch: 0.122792104s, parsing: 0.934650055s
Thread B, count: 19574, db-fetch: 0.274384302s, parsing: 1.196350664s
Thread C, count: 4197, db-fetch: 0.388197823s, parsing: 0.930109241s
Thread D, count: 9900, db-fetch: 0.540008325s, parsing: 0.93963728s
Total database fetch: 1.534268099 s
Total A star (with fetches): 1.854748244
real 0m1.907s
where db-fetch measures the time it takes to do the row that starts with query := c.Find(...) and parsing measures the time it takes to do the query.All(&nodes)
I've managed to drop the execution time significantly, with the help of fellow stack overflow users. Current print-outs:
> time GOMAXPROCS=8 ./toystar
Starting A star
Thread A: 0.210783141s
Thread B: 0.380938949s
Thread C: 0.441447793s
Thread D: 0.507361847s
Total database fetch: 0.507543875 s
number of fetches: 1
Total A star: 0.826343287s
real 0m0.860s
The main difference being the multi-threading strategy and using *mgo.Iter
instead of query.All(&nodes)
From the information available, this is what I can deduce:
The stage you called db-fetch
doesn't actually access the database. The only thing c.Find(...)
does is building a *mgo.Query
value. The method is 6 lines long. This shouldn't take more than a millisecond. Unless there's contention on the database object's internal session state, which doesn't seem to be the case because you're using only 4 goroutines.
is where the query is actually executed on your database. In addition, this phase allocates the slice of nodes it needs and then iteratively decodes bson into your struct definition via reflection.
Instead of query.All(...)
you could use query.Iter()
to obtain a *mgo.Iter
and iterate batch-wise over your data sets. This might improve performance by better distributing network load over time.
See the documentation. Maybe you're already doing this. If not, it might improve lookup time.
I think this one is obvious. Divide and conquer, right? :)