I'm using quotations in F# to build a function which checks whether a single input satisfies any of a number of cases. That is, a function whos body is something like ... || ... || ...
, where the number of ||
s is determined at runtime. Somewhat simplified, what I have now is
let vals = [|1..3|]
let currentfilter =
|> Array.fold (fun acc i ->
<@ fun j -> (%acc) j || j = i @>)
<@ fun _ -> false @>
which generates the tree
val currentfilter : Expr<(int -> bool)> =
Lambda (j,
IfThenElse (Application (Lambda (j,
IfThenElse (Application (Lambda (j,
IfThenElse (Application (Lambda (_arg1,
Value (false)),
Value (true),
Call (None,
Value (1)]))),
Value (true),
Call (None, op_Equality,
[j, Value (2)]))), j),
Value (true), Call (None, op_Equality, [j, Value (3)])))
Optimally, what I want to generate is more like
Lambda (j,
IfThenElse (IfThenElse (Call (None, op_Equality, [j, Value (1)]),
Value (true),
Call (None, op_Equality, [j, Value (2)])),
Value (true), Call (None, op_Equality, [j, Value (3)])))
(This was generated by <@ fun j -> j = 1 || j = 2 || j = 3 @>
Is there any easy way of flattening the first expression, in order to make it look more like the second?
You can write the code so that it does not return quoted function but instead returns a function that generates quotation when given the input:
let vals = [|1..3|]
let currentfilter =
vals |> Array.fold (fun acc i ->
fun j -> <@ %(acc j) || %j = i @>)
(fun _ -> <@ false @>)
In the fold:
.Now, to create the complete quoted function, we would like to write something like this:
<@ fun j -> %(currentfilter <@ j @>) @>
Sadly, this does not work - because the F# compiler is a bit strict here and does not let us write code where the variable j
could escape its scope (quite reasonable, but unfortunate).
So, instead, you can write this by constructing the quotation manually:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
let v = Var.Global("j", typeof<int>)
Expr.Lambda(v, currentfilter (Expr.Cast(Expr.Var(v))))