I have two tables
Ledgers Table
ledger_id ledger_name open_bal close_bal dr_bal cr_bal
--------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------
1 Bank A/C 0 5000 5000 0
2 Capital A/C 0 -50000 0 50000
3 Cash A/C 0 30700 53500 22800
Transactions Table
trans_id trans_date ledger_id ledger_name amount trans_type
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
1 2004-01-01 3 Cash A/C 50000 Dr
2 2004-01-01 2 Cap A/C 50000 Cr
3 2004-01-02 9 Purchase A/C 10000 Dr
These are my tables, what am trying to achieve is to get the ledgers balances for a particular month. Here am not trying to insert data into a table.
Using the above two tables i just need to query and out put the result as
Desired Output
ledger_id ledger_name amount trans_type As Debit trans_type as Credit
--------- --------- ------ --------- ---------
3 Cash A/C 50000 Dr Null
2 Capital A/C 50000 Null Cr
So trans_type field here is displayed separately DR as Debits and Cr as Credits. This is what I want to achieve.
What i have tried till now is joining the transaction table with the ledgers! But i have failed to get the desired output just by querying these two tables.
This is what i have tried,
SELECT tr.trans_date, tr.amount, tr.ledger_id, l.ledger_name, tr.trans_type
FROM tbl_transaction tr LEFT JOIN tbl_ledgers l
ON l.ledger_id = tr.ledger_id WHERE trans_date BETWEEN '2004-01-01' AND '2004-01-31';
So i basically want to know how can we achieve this? trans_type column split into two "Dr" separate and "Cr" separate?
You may use a CASE
to inspect the actual value of trans_type
and display it, doing so once for each alias Debit, Credit
. This gets unwieldy with more than a few values, but since you have just two it is a simple method.
CASE WHEN tr.trans_type = 'Dr' THEN tr.trans_type ELSE NULL END AS Debit,
CASE WHEN tr.trans_type = 'Cr' THEN tr.trans_type ELSE NULL END AS Credit
tbl_transaction tr
LEFT JOIN tbl_ledgers l ON l.ledger_id = tr.ledger_id
trans_date BETWEEN '2004-01-01' AND '2004-01-31';
Here is a demonstration: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/f5623/2
Note that this uses a LEFT JOIN
, resulting in ledger_id = 9
being returned in the demonstration (different than your example). Changing it to an INNER JOIN
would correct that. (http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/f5623/3)