I am having an issue with Propel2 (version 2.0.0-dev).
I have three foreign keys pointing to the same table:
<foreign-key foreignTable="sites" phpName="Site" refPhpName="Timesheet">
<reference local="siteID" foreign="siteID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="sites" phpName="FromSite">
<reference local="from_siteID" foreign="siteID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="sites" phpName="ToSite">
<reference local="to_siteID" foreign="siteID"/>
and despite different PhpNames, the Base Class generates default: $key
if (null !== $this->aToSite) {
switch ($keyType) {
case TableMap::TYPE_CAMELNAME:
$key = 'site';
case TableMap::TYPE_FIELDNAME:
$key = 'sites';
$key = 'Site';
$result[$key] = $this->aToSite->toArray($keyType, $includeLazyLoadColumns, $alreadyDumpedObjects, true);
default: $key
should be ToSite
, not Site
. Similarly for FromSite
. As a result, the Site
table is only joined for Site
, but not for FromSite
and ToSite
, which subsequently doesn't allow me to call objects using FromSite
and ToSite
The tables are joined in the following way:
$timesheets = TimesheetQuery::create()
->joinWith("Timesheet.FromSite FromSite", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
->joinWith("Timesheet.ToSite ToSite", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
->joinWith("Timesheet.Site Site", Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
Is there a way around this?
We managed to fix the above issue. In Propel/Generator/Builder/Om/ObjectBuilder.php
, change the following:
if (\$includeForeignObjects) {";
foreach ($fks as $fk) {
$script .= "
if (null !== \$this->" . $this->getFKVarName($fk) . ") {
{$this->addToArrayKeyLookUp($fk->getForeignTable(), false)}
\$result[\$key] = \$this->" . $this->getFKVarName($fk) . "->toArray(\$keyType, \$includeLazyLoadColumns, \$alreadyDumpedObjects, true);
foreach ($referrers as $fk) {
if ($fk->isLocalPrimaryKey()) {
$script .= "
if (null !== \$this->" . $this->getPKRefFKVarName($fk) . ") {
{$this->addToArrayKeyLookUp($fk->getTable(), false)}
\$result[\$key] = \$this->" . $this->getPKRefFKVarName($fk) . "->toArray(\$keyType, \$includeLazyLoadColumns, \$alreadyDumpedObjects, true);
} else {
$script .= "
if (null !== \$this->" . $this->getRefFKCollVarName($fk) . ") {
{$this->addToArrayKeyLookUp($fk->getTable(), true)}
\$result[\$key] = \$this->" . $this->getRefFKCollVarName($fk) . "->toArray(null, false, \$keyType, \$includeLazyLoadColumns, \$alreadyDumpedObjects);
$script .= "
if (\$includeForeignObjects) {";
foreach ($fks as $fk) {
$script .= "
if (null !== \$this->" . $this->getFKVarName($fk) . ") {
{$this->addToArrayKeyLookUp($fk->getPhpName(), $fk->getForeignTable(), false)}
\$result[\$key] = \$this->" . $this->getFKVarName($fk) . "->toArray(\$keyType, \$includeLazyLoadColumns, \$alreadyDumpedObjects, true);
foreach ($referrers as $fk) {
if ($fk->isLocalPrimaryKey()) {
$script .= "
if (null !== \$this->" . $this->getPKRefFKVarName($fk) . ") {
{$this->addToArrayKeyLookUp($fk->getRefPhpName(), $fk->getTable(), false)}
\$result[\$key] = \$this->" . $this->getPKRefFKVarName($fk) . "->toArray(\$keyType, \$includeLazyLoadColumns, \$alreadyDumpedObjects, true);
} else {
$script .= "
if (null !== \$this->" . $this->getRefFKCollVarName($fk) . ") {
{$this->addToArrayKeyLookUp($fk->getRefPhpName(), $fk->getTable(), true)}
\$result[\$key] = \$this->" . $this->getRefFKCollVarName($fk) . "->toArray(null, false, \$keyType, \$includeLazyLoadColumns, \$alreadyDumpedObjects);
$script .= "
As well as this:
protected function addToArrayKeyLookUp(Table $table, $plural)
$phpName = $table->getPhpName();
$camelCaseName = $table->getCamelCaseName();
$fieldName = $table->getName();
protected function addToArrayKeyLookUp($phpName, Table $table, $plural)
if($phpName == "") {
$phpName = $table->getPhpName();
$camelCaseName = $table->getCamelCaseName();
$fieldName = $table->getName();
Now I can reference multiple FKs with PHPNames to the same table without any issues.
Note that the file will change every time Propel is updated.