I want to find a special word, using preg_match in a string and echo 100 characters that comes after it.
For this, i need to know the position of the word that preg_match()
has found.
Perhaps you will advise me to use strpos()
for finding its position but the problem with strpos()
is for instance when I have two words of "smart" and "art" in my string and "smart" came before "art", strpos finds "smart" while I wanted it to find "art". That's why I decided to use preg_match()
the below code is the one I have written:
<?php pattern = "/\b' .$data[title]. '\b/i" ;
$article= $data['description'];
preg_match($pattern, $article, $matches); echo '. $matches .' ;
for example :
<?php $pattern = "/\b' .art. '\b/i" ;
$article= "I didn’t think parents do not like that either…but son is so smart.who is studying art therapy";
preg_match($pattern, $article, $matches);
echo '. $art .' ;
Try this one to get the 100 characters directly:
$pattern = "/\bart\b(.{100})/i";
$article= "I didn’t think parents do not like that either…but son is so smart.who is studying art therapy I didn’t think parents do not like that either…but son is so smart I didn’t think parents do not like that either…but son is so smart";
preg_match($pattern, $article, $matches);
echo 'Length: '+strlen($matches[1])
[0] => art therapy I didn’t think parents do not like that either…but son is so smart I didn’t think par
[1] => therapy I didn’t think parents do not like that either…but son is so smart I didn’t think par
Length: 100