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Grails domain Named query for a list of string

I have a simple Grails application. I have domains as below

class Author implements Serializable {
   static hasMany = [
        book : Book 

class Book implements Serializable{

   Author author
   Genres genres
   static belongsTo = [author: Author , genre: Genres ]
   static mapping = {
       author lazy: false

class Genres implements Serializable{

    String title


Now I have a requirement where I have a list of Genres title, I need to retrieve all the authors who has atleast one book in one of those Genres. I need to write a named query in Author class. I tried the following query

hasGenre {cl ->
    'book.genre.title' in cl

And I pass a list of string as follows


But this does not seems to be working. I have some other straightforward named-queries which works fine. So when I retrieve including "hasGenere" this does not seem to affect the retrieval. What am i doing wrong? I'm quite new to this area

Thanks in advance


  • Have you been using list() method? if no, you must use it to get your entity from namedQuery, because namedQuery return NamedCriteriaProxy.Class:

    author = Author.hasGenre(genereTitleStringArray).list()

    For me such code is working good, in my Author i have:

    static namedQueries = {
        hasGenre { cl->
            'book.genres.title' in cl

    Book the same. What about Genres you must also add dependency one-one(if you haven't):

     static belongsTo = [book: Book]

    or one to many:

    static hasMany= [book: Book]

    For me current code is working good, good luck.

    P.S. I'm using grails 2.3.11