Rest kit RKMappingOperation do not work
Here is code that I run. It should create data in CvvName object . but it do not work. how to make it work?
class CvvName: NSObject{
var firstName = ""
var lastName = ""
class CvvMappingProvider: NSObject
class func nameMapping() -> RKMapping
let resultMapping : RKObjectMapping = RKObjectMapping(forClass: CvvName.classForCoder())
resultMapping.addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary(["firstName":"firstName", "lastName": "lastName"])
return resultMapping
func doRestKit()
var theMapping:RKMapping = CvvMappingProvider.nameMapping()
let theRepresentation = [["firstName": "firstName01"] ,["lastName": "lastName01"] ]
let theDestinationObject = CvvName()
let theMappingOperation = RKMappingOperation(sourceObject: theRepresentation, destinationObject: theDestinationObject, mapping: theMapping)
do {
let theTry = try theMappingOperation.performMapping()
catch is NSError {
// Unexpected error!
print("theDestinationObject \(theDestinationObject) + \(theDestinationObject.firstName) + \(theDestinationObject.lastName) +")
it prints empty strings
theDestinationObject <ap01.CvvName: 0x7c20f260> + + +
I want that it print values
theDestinationObject <ap01.CvvName: 0x7c20f260> + firstName01 + lastName01 +
Looks like the problem is in the source data you're supplying:
let theRepresentation = [["firstName": "firstName01"] ,["lastName": "lastName01"] ]
this is an array of dictionaries, but you should really be supplying a single dictionary with all of the details because the operation is expecting a single item in and a single item out. Consider:
let theRepresentation = ["firstName": "firstName01", "lastName": "lastName01"]