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Why isn't my Enumerable getting populated by Glass.Mapper?

I'm totally confused as to why this isn't working. I have a class with a list of other classes as a property of it:

public class Widget
     public virtual IEnumerable<WidgetButton> Buttons { get; set; }

[SitecoreType(TemplateId = "{B615973D-59F6-437E-9827-BA3A40068C69}", AutoMap =true)]
public class WidgetButton : BasePage
     public virtual string Title { get; set; }

My sitecore item has a TreeListEx with one item in it:

enter image description here

and I'm reading this item thus:

Widget widgetTest = SitecoreContext.GetItem<Widget>(new Guid("{4FF5B96F-9606-4581-95F7-B6A7BAA4C28F}"));

My Widget(widgetTest) contains all of the data out of sitecore, but the buttons!? The Buttons property is just an empty list. What am I missing I've tried several configurations, Publishing, etc. According to the Glass.Mapper tutorials this should work

Glass configuration


<configuration xmlns:patch="">
                <processor type="RR.Web.Website.App_Start.GlassMapperSc, RR.Web.Website" />


<configuration xmlns:patch="">

        <processor type="Glass.Mapper.Sc.Pipelines.Response.GetModel, Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc"/>


Going directly to sitecore I can get my item:

Sitecore.Data.Database context = Sitecore.Context.Database;
var item  = context.GetItem(new ID("{4FF5B96F-9606-4581-95F7-B6A7BAA4C28F}"));

item contains a field called Buttons, the value of this field is the GUID of the item in the treelist ({3C18BF9F-9906-4807-83B9-73CA08E61C39}).

If I query this directly I can see the button:

var buttonItem = context.GetItem(new ID("{3C18BF9F-9906-4807-83B9-73CA08E61C39}"));

so everything appears perfectly fine! Why isn't glass mapper mapping this?


  • I got a solution, don't ask me why this works because I found it though trial and error. Basically doing this seemed to make it work:

    [SitecoreType(AutoMap =true)]
    public class Widget
         [SitecoreField(FieldType =SitecoreFieldType.TreelistEx)]
         public virtual IEnumerable<WidgetButton> Buttons { get; set; }

    specifically I think specifying the FieldType.