I have route
[RKRoute routeWithClass:[BBComment class] pathPattern:@"/comments" method:RKRequestMethodPOST]
And response descriptor
[RKResponseDescriptor responseDescriptorWithMapping:[BBComment apiMapping] method:RKRequestMethodPOST pathPattern:@"/comments" keyPath:nil statusCodes:successCodes]
Here route when post object
<RKClassRoute: 0x7fe2da8d65e0 objectClass=BBComment method=(POST) pathPattern=comment>
Printing description of routingMetadata:
query = {
parameters = {
"post_id" = 3205;
text = ds;
routing = {
parameters = {
route = "<RKClassRoute: 0x7fe2da8d65e0 objectClass=BBComment method=(POST) pathPattern=comment>";
Before post a new Comment i create temp object
BBComment *wComm = [BBComment MR_createEntity];
and then
[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] postObject:wComm path:nil parameters:sendCommentData success:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, RKMappingResult *mappingResult) {
BBLog(@"ret:%@", wComm);
} failure:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
In RestKit operation create
NSSet *temporaryObjects = [[managedObjectContext insertedObjects] filteredSetUsingPredicate:temporaryObjectsPredicate];
it's empty
But i think it's not a key.
After response from server i got two different objects wComm and from responseResult
Why? I think what RestKit update given object instead creating a new one?
Here objects before and after POST
(lldb) po [wComm objectID]
0xd00000000050001c <x-coredata://C721341D-CAA2-4240-809B-D3F2D45032B5/BBComment/p20>
(lldb) po [mappingResult.firstObject objectID]
0xd00000000054001c <x-coredata://C721341D-CAA2-4240-809B-D3F2D45032B5/BBComment/p21>
I try save object before post (like a RestKit do if object is temp) - nothing changes.
I think maybe different contexts? But no
(lldb) po wComm.managedObjectContext
<NSManagedObjectContext: 0x7fa442c42080>
(lldb) po [mappingResult.firstObject managedObjectContext]
<NSManagedObjectContext: 0x7fa442c42080>
Not, i get object, not an array like here
I found why it's not work. Because targetObject not set in operation
Problem in this function
if (RKDoesArrayOfResponseDescriptorsContainMappingForClass(self.responseDescriptors, [object class])) operation.targetObject = object;
It's work by ALL descriptors, not only for matching responseDescriptors, but ALL WTF?
And it's return NO for object.
Mapping for this object is RKDynamicMapping.
Here problem: not use setObjectMappingForRepresentationBlock
Because u will get
po [mapping objectMappings]
<__NSArray0 0x7fcdd8d0ad30>(
And function of RKMappingGraphVisitor will not work.
Get RKOperation and set manually targetObject. But i think it's not correct.
Use something like
+ (RKDynamicMapping *)apiMapping {
RKDynamicMapping *mapping = [RKDynamicMapping new];
[mapping addMatcher:[RKObjectMappingMatcher matcherWithKeyPath:@"type" expectedValue:BBMessageType.plain objectMapping:[self plainTypeMapping]]];
return mapping;