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Call SelectedIndexChanged on ComboBox within User Control

I am using .NET 4 and trying to create a CustomControl but when I add this CustomControl onto my Windows Form, I want to have access to the SelectedIndexChanged for the ComboBox within my User Control.

Basically, what I want is when the Combo Box triggers the Selected IndexChanged, it will run some code within the Windows Form.

Below is what I have so far.

public partial class CustomControl : UserControl


private void uiComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


What is the best way to do what I want?

Any help will be much appreciated.


  • In my CustomControl class, I had added in the following code so the SelectedIndexChanged on the combox will be picked up by my Custom Control when added as a Control onto a Form.

        public event EventHandler SelectedCBIndexChanged;
        public CustomControl()
            this.uiComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.uiComboox_SelectedIndexChanged);
        protected void uiComboox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (SelectedCBIndexChanged != null)
                SelectedCBIndexChanged(sender, e);

    Then on the Form, I add my Custom Control and Enable the SelectedCBIndexChanged property in the Designer which creates the event/method below which is what I was after.

        private void customControl_SelectedCBIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Do what I want

    I thought I'll leave this on here as it may help someone else in the future.