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Using GetLine with ifstream - no instance of "getline" matches the argument list

I am trying to figure this problem out, for some reason I keep getting this:

no instance of "getline" matches the argument list.

I have looked up this problem and a lot of times its because people use ofstream, or they don't use the ifstream object (if I said that right) has the first attribute to getline. I am quite lost.

        #include <string>

        std::wifstream myfile;"LaunchLocations.txt");

struct gameLaunch
    wchar_t directory[MAX_PATH];
    wchar_t AppName[MAX_PATH];
    wchar_t ComboBoxName[MAX_PATH];



  • std::getline() does not support reading into a wchar_t[] array, only into a std::string or std::wstring (depending on the input stream type). To read into a wchar_t[], you need to use the std::wifstream::getline() method instead:

    myfile.getline(, MAX_PATH);