Using angular and angular-xeditable I have a drop down menu with a number of options from which to select in the 'amenities' array.
Once I save the selections from the drop down and saved them, I want to make it possible for the user to come back to the page and edit previously selected items.
<select multiple class="w-select am-dropdown" size="12" data-ng-model="Amenities"
data-ng-options="amenity.amenity for amenity in amenities" required=""></select>
$scope.amenities = [{amenity: coffee}, {amenity: beer}, {amenity: parking}];
$scope.Amenities = [];
$scope.selectedAmenities = [coffee, beer];//these are amenities saved in the
database that I want to be able to show as selected using the editable form
Have a case as same as this
Add $scope.$watch to put selected value to $scope.selectedValues as below
$scope.$watch('selectedAmenities ', function (nowSelected) {
$scope.selectedValues = [];
if (!nowSelected) {
angular.forEach(nowSelected, function (val) {
And then use it like below:
select multiple ng-model="selectedValues" class="w-select am-dropdown" size="12" >
<option ng-repeat="amenity in amenities" value="{{amenity.amenity}}" ng-selected="{{selectedValues.indexOf(amenity.amenity)!=-1}}">{{amenity.amenity}}</option>
Full code at Plunker
Hope it helps you.