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dustjs: how to profile and/or time rendering?

I'm debugging some dustjs template render sluggishness after calling res.render from an express controller. There are a few (fast) async calls from dust helpers, but even when they're removed I'm occasionally seeing templates take multiple seconds to render, which is surprising since they're all pre-compiled.

Is there any built in timing/logging for dustjs or do I just need to profile the entire application?


  • You can add some simple profiling in Node by monkey-patching dust.render like this:

    var dust = require('dustjs-linkedin');
    var render = dust.render;
    dust.render = function(name, context, callback) {
      var timeStart = process.hrtime();
      render(name, context, function() {
        var timeDiff = process.hrtime(timeStart);
        console.log(name, timeDiff[0] * 1000 + timeDiff[1] / 1000000);
        callback.apply(undefined, arguments);

    When you run your application, look at the console to see how much time rendering takes. Rendering a normal Dust template takes on the order of milliseconds.

    > node app.js
    hello 0.832608
    Hello world! Using Dust version 2.7.1!

    This template took 0.8ms to render.