I'm trying to label an axis at every 3rd tick with a 10^n value, formatted as a superscript. I'm using grid
graphics. I'm doing something bassackwards. Here's a MWE (or I see there is some movement to call it a reprex):
axisVP <- viewport(width = unit(6, "inches"), height = unit(0.01, "inches"))
labs <- c(1, "", "", expression(10^{-3}), "", "", expression(10^{-6}), "", "",
expression(10^{-9}), "", "", expression(10^{-12}))
grid.xaxis(at = seq(0, 1, length.out = 15)[-c(1,15)], label = labs)
However, this only labels the first tick with 1. Looking at str(labs)
it is an expression with length 13 as expected. And expressions are accepted by grid.xaxis
. So I'm not quite sure why only the first value is being displayed. I've explored related questions on SO but most seem to deal with a single expression as an axis label or title, not a series of expressions. And most questions dealing with axis labels seek to label every tick using a specialized function.
Here's what I'd do:
axisVP <- viewport(width = unit(6, "inches"), height = unit(0.01, "inches"))
## First plot an axis with all ticks and no labels
ticks_at <- seq(1/15, 14/15, length.out=13)
grid.xaxis(at = ticks_at, label=FALSE)
## Then add labels where you want them
labs <- parse(text=c("1", "10^{-3}", "10^{-6}", "10^{-9}", "10^{-12}"))
## Alternatively, use this, though in practice it's more cumbersome
# labs <- c(expression(1), expression(10^{-3}), expression(10^{-6}),
# expression(10^{-9}), expression(10^{-12}))
labs_at <- seq(1/15, 14/15, length.out=5)
grid.xaxis(at = labs_at, label = labs)