Is there a way to unsubscribe or change an existing changefeed observer in rethinkdb? Setting the return value of the changes() function to null doesn't seem to do anything, is there a unsubscribe() function?
What I'd ideally like to do is change one of the index filter parameters (favorites) after the changefeed is created (since changefeeds on joins don't work and I have to change the feed if the underlying favorites collection changes).
Here is the sample code in javascript
var observer = r.table("users")
.getAll(r.args(favorites), {index:"name"})
.changes().then(function(results) {
results.each(function(err,row) {
if (err) console.error(err);
var prefix = row.new_val ? 'added' : 'deleted';
var msg = row.new_val ? row.new_val : row.old_val;
console.log(prefix + ': ' +;
observer = null; //what do I do there to have it stop observing or unsubscribe... or change the subscription to something else.. say adding a filter or changing a filter?
Don't know what library are you using for JS. With rethinkdb + rethinkdb-pool you can use this syntaxes:
r.table("users").getAll(r.args(favorites), {index:"name"})
.changes().run(connection, function(err, cursor) {
cursor.each(function(err,row) {
if (err) console.error(err);
var prefix = row.new_val ? 'added' : 'deleted';
var msg = row.new_val ? row.new_val : row.old_val;
console.log(prefix + ': ' +;
So after that you can just close cursor to stop receiving changes:
Or you can close connection, and it will automatically close all cursors associated with a connection: