I would like to learn about linux/Unix kernel programming for scalable multi processors (smps). I found this book UNIX(R) Systems for Modern Architectures http://www.amazon.com/UNIX-Systems-Modern-Architectures-Multiprocessing/dp/0201633388/ref=pd_rhf_p_t_3 . Is there any other good resources or a better book since its released in 1994. Thank you very much in advance.
Thanks & Regards,
Definitely buy this excellent book! You will get thorough introduction into:
, giant lock, cli
+spinlock, etc.)The book is general enough not to be out of date by now. The only thing I don't remember mentioned there is NUMA, but I don't think there are any good published texts on this subjects yet except for maybe Gorman's Linux memman paper (somebody correct me if I'm wrong here).
I think the book was really worth the money.