I would like to use a helper method to dictate which links are available to my json feed. I had this set up using standard html like this
if shopping_request.new?
content += accept_shopping_request(shopping_request)
content += reject_shopping_request(shopping_request)
content += view_send_outs_from_me(shopping_request) if shopping_request.send_out_in_process?
content += view_send_backs_to_me(shopping_request) if shopping_request.send_back_in_process?
I am trying to implement the same behaviour but this time using the helper in a jbuilder file. I've tried various configurations but can't get the links to display. I am using a basic example to test
def available_routes_as_json(item)
Jbuilder.new do |json|
json.contact contact: "mailto:#{item.delivery_contact_email}"
And then the relevant bit of the jbuilder file
json.buttons do
The answer was fairly straightforward really.
Because Jbuilder isn't strictly part of the MVC pattern, I had to include helpers into my controller.
include ActionController::Helpers
this pretty much sums up what's going on.