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What is the purpose of CSSEngine class in batik css parser

I am evaluating batik css parser to integrate it with our product. To use it best I want to understand what all it's classes represent. I can not understand the purpose of the org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine class. What is this class used for?


  • CSSEngine class has a function parseStyleSheet which returns a StyleSheet object. This StyleSheet object is actually a dom representation of the css.

    StyleSheet ss = cssEngine.parseStyleSheet(new ParsedURL("file:///"+filename),"max-width: 800px");

    You can create your own cssengine by extending CSSEngine class.

      public class MyCSSEngine extends CSSEngine{
             public MyCSSEngine (ExtendedParser parser) {
            super(null, null, parser, MY_VALUE_MANAGERS, SVGCSSEngine.SVG_SHORTHAND_MANAGERS, null, null, "style",
                      new MyCSSContext());
            // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    create MyCSSContext by extending org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSContext. Coming to MY_VALUE_MANAGERS which is important. Value manger can be like

    public static final ValueManager[] MY_VALUE_MANAGERS = {
        new AlignmentBaselineManager(),
        new BaselineShiftManager(),
        new ClipManager(),
        new ClipPathManager(),
        new ClipRuleManager(),
        new ColorManager(),
        new ColorInterpolationManager(),
        new ColorInterpolationFiltersManager(),
        new ColorProfileManager(),
        new ColorRenderingManager()

    It basically register the property you are interested in while parsing.(Its much more than that).

    You can also use org.apache.batik.css.engine.SVGCSSEngine.SVG_VALUE_MANAGERS but implementing own value manager gives you power to handle your own custom css property like
