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msdeploy getting ERROR_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_FAILED, allowUntrusted being ignored

I am using msdeploy to push out website code to 4 different servers (test and production servers). Works fine on the first 3, but the 4th is giving me an ERROR_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_FAILED error. I am using the -allowUntrusted option.

"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:iisApp="E:\workspace\testDeploy\outproject\_PublishedWebsites\<webfolder>" -dest:iisApp="",ComputerName="https://<hostip>:8172/MsDeploy.axd",UserName="<userid>",Password="****",AuthType="Basic" -allowUntrusted -enableRule:AppOffline -skip:objectName=filePath,absolutePath="^.*<webfolder>\\web.*\.config$|^.*mycompany\.com\\web.*\.config"

More Infenter code hereormation: Connected to the remote computer ("<hostip>") using the specified process ("Web Management Service"), but could not verify the server's certificate. If you trust the server, connect again and allow untrusted certificates.  Learn more at:
Error: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
Error: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

Any idea what I am missing?


  • The problem was with the password for the user on the destination system.

    I saw on another post that someone moved the -allowUntrusted flag before the -dest entry. I tried that and I started getting a ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED message. Everything was correct with the password as it was entered, but it started with an * character and also had a single quote in it. I generated a new password for the user that didn't use those special characters and changed it on the remote system. After that, everything worked fine.

    I was able to run the command as shown in the initial post without any error.

    If you are getting a ERROR_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_FAILED or ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED and everything is set up properly, try changing the password assigned to the user on the destination system. It would seem that some passwords just won't work.