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@RouteResource does not work

I'm using FosRestBundle and I'm declaring a controller with manually routes.

namespace Cboujon\PropertyBundle\Controller;

use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\QueryParam;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\RouteResource;
use FOS\RestBundle\View\View;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Get;

 * Property controller.
 * @RouteResource("Property")
class PropertyRESTController extends \FOS\RestBundle\Controller\FOSRestController {

     * @return type
     * @Get("/types")
    public function getTypesAction() {
        return $this->get('fos_rest.view_handler')->handle($view);



    resource: "@CboujonPropertyBundle/Controller/PropertyRESTController.php"
    type:     rest
    prefix:   /api

When I do the request http://localhost:8000/api/properties/types or http://localhost:8000/api/property/types I get

404 Not Found - NotFoundHttpException.

But if http://localhost:8000/api/types it works!

I need to config the url http://localhost:8000/api/properties/types. What am I doing wrong?

Update 1

There is no Property entity. PropertyController should do custom operations (No CRUD).

Update 2

You can see the git repository


  • You simply cannot mix implicit and explicit route generation (for a single route) in FOSRestBundle.

    @RouteResource is meant for "prefixing" during implicit route generation, while @Get is meant for explicit routing.

    Also, implicit routing is meant to speedup standard CRUD resource editing, so it is NOT your case: just go for the explicit routing and avoid all the complication. You can still benefit of other FOSRestBundle features, like View handler, @ParamFetchers, ...


    With implicit route generation, the route is extracted from the method name (e.g. postTypeAction becomes something like POST /type, cgetTypeAction becomes something like GET /types).

    If you choose the explicit way, you use @Route, @Get, @Post, ... annotations, to set the resource URL to whatever you want. With explicit routing, @RouteResource doesn't make sense; just use the standard Symfony prefixes.

    The annotation @RouteResource on the other hand, is there so that you can customize the route resource name (e.g. get_RESOURCE_myaction).

    Debug you code

    To clarify, here some output of app/console debug:router from your code (I've applied some syntax fix to your project to run this commands).

    NOTE: I've set the prefix to /api/prefix to avoid confusions

    @RouteResource + @Get (This explain why you get 404 errors):

     Name                     Method Scheme Host Path                              
     get_property_types       GET    ANY    ANY  /api/prefix/types.{_format}   

    @RouteResource only (note that implicit naming take place):

     Name                     Method Scheme Host Path                              
     get_property_types       GET    ANY    ANY  /api/prefix/property/types.{_format}

    @Get only (note it is the same of your current scenario, just the route name changes since is not set in @Get):

     Name                     Method Scheme Host Path                              
     get_types                GET    ANY    ANY  /api/prefix/types.{_format}

    Removing both (is still the same, but.. just a coincidence since your method is called getTypesAction):

     Name                     Method Scheme Host Path                              
     get_types                GET    ANY    ANY  /api/prefix/types.{_format}       

    An Off-Topic Note

    In OOP, a static abstract function cannot be defined. A static method is defined at class level, so no polymorphism can take place because PHP cannot know in advance which sub-class is to be used. When the method is NOT static, PHP knows the object class (since can access $this) and you can have polymorphic behaviour.

    In your class Cboujon\PropertyBundle\Entity\Property you need to remove the method static abstract function getLabel or define it as abstract function getLabel.