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How to create a custom form action to a controller in admin html from Magento?

I have created a form in admin html, but its action not working properly, the action not coming to the controller. My config.xml file shown below

            <customercare module="customercare">
                    <customercare module="customercare">
                        <title>View Missed Calls</title>
                    <customercarecalllog module="customercare">
                        <title>View Call Logs</title>
                            <customercarevirtualretialerrequest module="customercare">
                                    <title>Manage Virtaul Retailers</title>

                    <title>Allow Everything</title>
                        <customercare translate="title" module="customercare">
                                <customercare translate="title">
                                    <title>View Missed Calls</title>
                                <customercare translate="title">
                                    <title>Manage Missed Calls</title>
                                <customercarecalllog translate="title">
                                    <title>View Call Logs</title>

                                <virtualretialerrequest translate="title" module="customer">
                                    <title>Manage Virtual Retailers</title>


My Controller file

class Suyati_Customercare_Adminhtml_VirtualretialerrequestController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action 
    protected function _isAllowed()
        return true;

    public function indexAction()

        $block = $this->getLayout()->createBlock(
            array('template' => 'customercare/virtual_retailer_registration_admin_form.phtml')


    public function postAction()
        echo "hello"; die();

Phtml Form action file located in this path app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/customercare/virtual_retailer_registration_admin_form.phtml

<form action="<?php echo Mage::helper("adminhtml")->getUrl("customercare/virtualretialerrequest/post"); ?>" id="retailerForm" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="form_key" value="<? echo $this->getFormKey(); ?>" />

When i try to submit my form it is going to dashboard not coming to the controller action file. please help me on this. I just need to get the post data in the controller file and need to send an email to the admin.


  • i think the problem with form key change

    <input type="hidden" name="form_key" value="<? echo $this->getFormKey(); ?>" />


    <input type="hidden" name="form_key" value="<?php echo Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getFormKey(); ?>" />