I was wondering if it's possible to bulk initialize variables that are created from a type to null without initializing them each separately
create type tp_data as (
data01 text,
data02 integer,
data03 text
create function sp_function()
returns setof tp_data as
lr_data tp_data;
for lr_data in
select data.data01, data.data02, data.data03
from data
if lr_data.data01 = "cancelled" then
-- what is the correct way to do this?
lr_data.* := null;
-- without having to do this
lr_data.data01 := null;
lr_data.data02 := null;
lr_data.data03 := null;
end if;
return next lr_data;
end loop;
language plpgsql;
select * from sp_function();
The above is clearly wrong however in Informix I am able to use something like "initialize lr_data.* to null". Is there a way to do something similar in plpgsql?
You can just assign NULL
to the whole row type:
lr_data := null;
This sets every single column to NULL
Aside: there are a couple of syntax errors in your function. And the whole function could be radically simplified. This query replaces the whole function:
SELECT (CASE WHEN data01 = 'cancelled' THEN NULL::tp_data ELSE d::tp_data END).*
FROM (SELECT data01, data02, data03 FROM data) d;
Not the point of your question, I know. But it demonstrates that we can also cast a NULL
value to the row type to make all columns NULL