I have an Order table in parse. After a row is inserted in to the table, I want to send a push notification to the iOS device. How to write a cloud code for this specific task? I read parse documentation but I couldn't understand about channels, installation and other stuff related to push notifications. I have seen various blogs regarding this but I couldn't get a right answer for cloud code and how to call that code in iOS. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
You don't say which devices you want to send the push notification to, so I can't provide a more specific example, but here is an afterSave
method for a class called "Location". In this code, a query is defined that identifies all installations that are associated with the updated location and a 'silent push' is sent to these devices -
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("Location", function(request) {
query = new Parse.Query("Installation")
where: query,
data: {
"content-available" : "1",
event: "locationUpdate"
success:function() {
error:function() {
console.error("Error in push "+error.code+" : "+error.message);