Sorry for the poorly worded title, but I don't even know how to ask it properly.
How can I turn this?
instPublicIP :: Instance -> Maybe Text
instPublicIP inst =
inst ^. insNetworkInterfaces ^? ix 0 . iniAssociation . _Just . iniaPublicIP . _Just
into this
instPublicIP' :: Lens' Instance (Maybe Text)
instPublicIP' = insNetworkInterfaces ^? ix 0 . iniAssociation . _Just . iniaPublicIP . _Just
When I try that I get the following error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘(Maybe Text -> f (Maybe Text))
-> Instance -> f Instance’
with actual type ‘Maybe Text’
Relevant bindings include
instPublicIP' :: (Maybe Text -> f (Maybe Text))
-> Instance -> f Instance
(bound at app/Main.hs:197:1)
In the expression:
^? ix 0 . iniAssociation . _Just . iniaPublicIP . _Just
In an equation for ‘instPublicIP'’:
= insNetworkInterfaces
^? ix 0 . iniAssociation . _Just . iniaPublicIP . _Just
Couldn't match type ‘InstanceNetworkInterface’
with ‘Instance -> f0 Instance’
Expected type: (InstanceNetworkInterface
-> Const (Data.Monoid.First Text) InstanceNetworkInterface)
-> (([InstanceNetworkInterface] -> f0 [InstanceNetworkInterface])
-> Instance -> f0 Instance)
-> Const
(Data.Monoid.First Text)
(([InstanceNetworkInterface] -> f0 [InstanceNetworkInterface])
-> Instance -> f0 Instance)
Actual type: (IxValue
(([InstanceNetworkInterface] -> f0 [InstanceNetworkInterface])
-> Instance -> f0 Instance)
-> Const
(Data.Monoid.First Text)
(([InstanceNetworkInterface] -> f0 [InstanceNetworkInterface])
-> Instance -> f0 Instance)))
-> (([InstanceNetworkInterface] -> f0 [InstanceNetworkInterface])
-> Instance -> f0 Instance)
-> Const
(Data.Monoid.First Text)
(([InstanceNetworkInterface] -> f0 [InstanceNetworkInterface])
-> Instance -> f0 Instance)
In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘ix 0’
In the second argument of ‘(^?)’, namely
‘ix 0 . iniAssociation . _Just . iniaPublicIP . _Just’
Turns out I just have to replace the ^?
with .
and change Lens'
to Traversal'
instPublicIP' :: Traversal' Instance (Maybe Text)
instPublicIP' = insNetworkInterfaces . ix 0 . iniAssociation . _Just . iniaPublicIP