I have one TEXTBOX(readonly) which contains some random value say for ex. 2 (This is quantity of product). Beside it there a BUTTON(Plus-Button) and a SPAN to show result.
Now each time when I click on Plus-Button - it should MULTIPLY 5(This is price of product) to the number in the Textbox(quantity of product) and display the result in SPAN.
<input type="text" readonly="readonly" value="2" id="product-qty" />
<button id="add-qty" value="Add Quantity"/>
<span id="show-result">10</span>
Now using a behat test I am writting a Feature for above Scenario. Can someone please help me writting this.
Problem is how do I fetch a value from text box and multiply it by 5? And match it to the value in SPAN.
Scenario: Check product cart
Given I am on "detail-page"
When I click on the element "#add-qty"
#fetch value from the input multiply by it 5 and match the value with the content in the SPAN
And I wait 2000 milliseconds
Then I should see "Product added successfully"
One way would be to create a step definition for your functionality.
You can add And I add quantity for "product-qty"
in your scenario.
And then in your FeatureContext.php (or equivalent) add something like this:
* @Given I add quantity for :arg1
public function iAddQuantityFor($arg1)
$this->pressButton('Add Quantity');
$page = $this->getMink()->getSession()->getPage();
$quantity = (int)$page->find('css', '#product-qty')->getAttribute('value');
$result = $quantity * 5;
$actual = (int)$page->find('css', '#show-result')->getHtml();
if ($result !== $actual) {
throw new \Exception('Incorrect result');