have been trying to enable event subscriptions. I found the Marathon REST API. I attempted to restart marathon with the "--event_subscriber http_callback"
and created the "event_subscriber"
and "http_endpoints"
. When i restart it shows " --http_endpoints http://localhost:1234/"
and I am running "nc -l -p 1234"
to listen to the port. I am not getting anything when i create new apps.
It seems that i am having trouble enabling it. As i keep getting the error.
"http event callback system is not running on this Marathon instance. Please re-start this instance with \"--event_subscriber http_callback\"
Maybe i am missing something? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Issue resolved! i fixed it by running the following command
marathon --jar --master zk://your_ip:5050,your_ip:5050,your_ip:5050/mesos --event_subscriber http_callback
and to get it to take restart marathon on ALL masters
sudo service marathon restart
Once back up check the page and you should be good to go.