Django throws below error :
ReqlDriverError: Server dropped connection with message: "RethinkDB cluster"
Am trying to connect to RethinkDB in Django via custom middleware.
Below is the code am using to connect to RethinkDB
class rDBMiddleware(object):
connection = None
def __init__(self):
if self.connection == None:
self.connection = r.connect(host=' 192.x.x.x ', port=29015, db=' re_test ').repl()
Could you help me to figure this out ? I couldn't find any solution in the Internet so far on this ReqlDriverError.
I am able to connect/access the RethinkDB server via http:/x.x.x.x:8080/
Using python2.7, and rethinkdb (2.1.0.post2) driver in django.
is the port for RethinkDB intracluster communication. You probably want to connect the driver to port 28015