On my device running Android 4.2.2 the code vc.device.openNotification() does not work, it just flash and close it immediately (of course this same code is working fine on other tested devices). I must install an app "expand Statusbar" and use this code device.startActivity(component='dk.quan.expandstatusbar/.MainActivity') to open the notification bar. Does anybody know a way to open the notification bar via adb, maybe a system package name to open it similar to the app described above ?
You can always open the Notification Bar by dragging down.
Use culebra
, then open the Drag Dialog (Ctrl+D), select the Start and End point, then OK and culebra
will generate a line similar to this in the script
self.device.dragDip((168.0, 17.0), (184.0, 476.0), 1000, 20, 0)
which would open the Notification Bar.