I have a loop that creates 'n' child processes. The processes go into a separate program and sleep for 'x' seconds then return with exit status 'x'. The issue is when I try to wait for each individual process. It seems that my wait() call wait for the last made process and then the program exits. I would like it so that which ever child exits I can print their information and then wait for the next child to exit and print their information...and so on.
int main()
char input[12];
int n, i, ch;
pid_t pid;
int status={0};
printf("Enter an integer: ");
fgets(input, 12, stdin);
if (input[10] == '\n' && input[11] == '\0') { while ( (ch = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF && ch != '\n'); }
n = atoi(input);
for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
pid = fork();
if(pid == 0)
execl("/home/andrew/USP_ASG2/sleep", "sleep", NULL);
for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
int exitstat = WEXITSTATUS(status);
printf("Child %d is dead with exit status %d\n", pid, exitstat);
In child 15930
In child 15929
In child 15928
Child 15930 is dead with exit status 5
Child 15930 is dead with exit status 5
Child 15930 is dead with exit status 5
You forget to capture the return value of wait()
, so pid
still contains the pid of the last process you forked off.
Do this:
pid = wait(&status);
And you'll get the expected output.