Search code examples

BGL - BFS/DFS visitor, accessing vertex colours

In BGL, I can't quite figure out how to access the inherent colouring of the vertexes (white for untouched, grey for visited, black for finished) in a graph as they are visited during a bfs/dfs search.

Could somebody illustrate how to access a vertex' colour from within a dfs/bfs visitor? E.g. when writing a custom examine_edge?


  • You forgot to include a SSCCE, so I'll sketch a prose answer:

    You should use the vertex color map.

    This is a property_map. In case of internal property maps, you can access property maps using get:

     property_map<boost::vertex_color_t, Graph>::const_type pmap =
          boost::get(boost::vertex_color, g);

    Now you can query the map using get:

     vertex_descriptor vd = /*some-function*/;
     default_color_type color = boost::get(pmap, vd);

    However, most often the colormap will be external, so you can just give the visitor access to it:

    Direct Access To External Property Map

    In this example I chose to make the colormap itself a property of the visitor. I didn't choose the most efficient representation (map) but it

    • allows use without explicit initialization
    • is more generic because it works with non-integral vertex descriptors (e.g. when using listS instead of vecS)

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
    #include <boost/graph/depth_first_search.hpp>
    #include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>
    using namespace boost;
    using Graph = adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS>;
    struct my_vis : default_dfs_visitor {
        using colormap = std::map<Graph::vertex_descriptor, default_color_type>;
        colormap vertex_coloring;
        template<typename Vertex, typename Graph>
            void discover_vertex(Vertex v, Graph const& g) {
                default_color_type color = vertex_coloring[v];
    int main() {
        Graph const g = make();
        my_vis vis;
        depth_first_search(g, vis, make_assoc_property_map(vis.vertex_coloring));
        for(auto& vc : vis.vertex_coloring)
            std::cout << "vertex " << vc.first << " color " << vc.second << "\n";


    vertex 0 color 4
    vertex 1 color 4
    vertex 2 color 4
    vertex 3 color 4
    vertex 4 color 4
    0 --> 1 2 
    1 --> 0 
    2 --> 4 
    3 --> 1 
    4 --> 3 

    Using Internal Property

    Live On Coliru

    using Graph = adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, property<vertex_color_t, default_color_type> >;
    struct my_vis : default_dfs_visitor {
        using colormap = property_map<Graph, vertex_color_t>::type;
        colormap vertex_coloring;
        template<typename Vertex, typename Graph>
            void discover_vertex(Vertex v, Graph const& g) {
                default_color_type color = vertex_coloring[v];
                (void) color; // suppress unused warning
    int main() {
        Graph g = make();
        my_vis::colormap map = get(vertex_color, g);
        depth_first_search(g, my_vis{}, map);
        for(auto u : make_iterator_range(vertices(g)))
            std::cout << "vertex " << u << " color " << get(map, u) << "\n";


    vertex 0 color 4
    vertex 1 color 4
    vertex 2 color 4
    vertex 3 color 4
    vertex 4 color 4
    0 --> 1 2 
    1 --> 0 
    2 --> 4 
    3 --> 1 
    4 --> 3 

    Shared Code

    #include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>
    Graph make() {
        Graph g;
        return g;