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What is the type of (1 2) in Haskell?

I was playing around with hugs today and got stuck at a very simple question:

λ 1 1
:: (Num a, Num (a -> t)) => t

What would that type be? I am having trouble to read this.

And if it has a type, why? I would guess that the expression 1 1 is ill-formed and thus type-checking fails, which is supported by the Haskell compiler.


  • No it is not ill-formed. The type is strange and there probably cannot be any meaningful values for which it makes sense but it's still allowed.

    Keep in mind that literals are overloaded. 1 is not an integer. It's anything of type Num. Functions are not excluded from this. There is no rule saying a -> t cannot be " a number" (i.e. an instance of Num).

    For example you could have an instance declaration like:

    instance Num a => Num (a -> b) where
        fromInteger x = undefined

    now 1 1 would simply be equal undefined. Not very useful but still valid.

    You can have useful definitions of Num for functions. For example, from the wiki

    instance Num b => Num (a -> b) where
         negate      = fmap negate
          (+)         = liftA2 (+)
          (*)         = liftA2 (*)
          fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
          abs         = fmap abs
          signum      = fmap signum

    With this you can write things like:

    f + g

    where f and g are functions returning numbers.

    Using the above instance declaration 1 2 would be equal to 1. Basically a literal used as a function with the above instance is equal to const <that-literal>.