I want to try the bat
file to copy my log to other space.
My code:
REM get date
FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a IN ("%date%") DO (SET _MyDate=%%d/%%b/%%c)
echo _MyDate: %_MyDate%
set _path= "D:\Logs\AddressBook Service"
set _path2= "E:\Logs_test\AddressBook Service"
forfiles /p %_path% /d -%_day% /m *.log /c "cmd /c xcopy @path %_path2%"
My question is How to solve the forfiles @path has spaces in folder path?
Like this: E:\Logs_test\AddressBook Service
set "_day=2" only my guess
set "_path=D:\Logs\AddressBook Service"
set "_path2=E:\Logs_test\AddressBook Service"
forfiles /p "%_path%" /d -%_day% /m *.log /c "cmd /c echo xcopy @path \"%_path2%\\\" /D /E /-Y"
Above code snippet with proper escaped "
double quotes (surprisingly escaped using a backslash \"
instead of common caret) should result in something like
xcopy "D:\Logs\AddressBook Service\some name.log" "E:\Logs_test\AddressBook Service\" /D /E /-Y
Note that operational xcopy
is merely displayed for debugging purposes. Remove echo
keyword no sooner than debugged.
Adding a trailing backslash to xcopy
target folder (%_path2%\\
) seems to be facultative (optional) supplement.
Finally, note double quotes in set "variablename=variable value"