I was just pointed to a very interesting article (archived) about a security problem called Cross Build Injection (XBI). Bascially it is a fancy name for smuggling bad code into an application at build time via automated build systems such as ant, maven or ivy.
The problem could be alleviated by introducing a cryptographic signature validation für dependencies as it is currently in place with many operating systems for downloading packages.
To be clear: I am not talking about simply providing md5 or sha1 hashes for the artifacts. That is already done, but those hashes are stored in the same location as the artifacts. So once a malicious hacker compromises the repository and can replace the artifact they can replace the hashes as well.
So what is acutally needed is some kind of PKI, that allows the developers to sign their artifacts and maven to verify these signatures. Since the signature is done using the private key of the developer it cannot be tampered with when only the repository is compromised.
Does anyone know the state of this in maven?
Update: The checksums mentioned below are indeed only for integrity checks and are indeed stored with the artifacts so they don't answer the question.
Actually, one need to sign artifacts using PGP to upload them to a repository that is synced with central (the Maven GPG Plugin can help for this step). To verify signatures at download time, you are invited to use a repository manager supporting this feature. From How to Generate PGP Signatures with Maven:
If you use a tool that downloads artifacts from the Central Maven repository, you need to make sure that you are making an effort to validate that these artifacts have a valid PGP signature that can be verified against a public key server. If you don’t validate signatures, then you have no guarantee that what you are downloading is the original artifact. One way to to verify signatures on artifacts is to use a repository manager like Nexus Professional. In Nexus Professional you can configure the procurement suite to check every downloaded artifact for a valid PGP signature and validate the signature against a public keyserver.
If you are developing software using Maven, you should generate a PGP signature for your releases. Releasing software with valid signatures means that your customers can verify that a software artifact was generated by the original author and that it hasn’t been modified by anyone in transit. Most large OSS forges like the Apache Software Foundation require all projects to be released by a release manager whose key has been signed by other members of the organization, and if you want to synchronize your software artifacts to Maven central you are required to provide pgp signatures.
The Maven Install Plugin can be configured to create integrity checksums (MD5, SHA-1) and you can configure a checksum policy per repository (see checksumPolicy
Maven repository managers can/should also be able to deal with them. See for example: