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What is the equivalent of string.makestrans() for lists or dictionaries?

When using string.makestrans(), you create a translation table which works character by character.

For example, this translation table moves each letter over two place:

import string  

intab = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
outtab = "cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzab"
translationtable = string.maketrans(intab, outtab)

What if I have a list of values which I need to translate?

intab = [`TBA', 'RIP', TGIF', 'FAQ']
outtab = ['To Be Announced', 'Rest In Peace', 
                     'Thank God It\'s Friday', 'Frequently Asked Questions']

What is the standard way to translate something like this?


  • You can use zip to create the pairs and dict to create the "translator" (dictionary):

    intab = ['TBA', 'RIP', 'TGIF', 'FAQ']
    outtab = ['To Be Announced', 'Rest In Peace', 
                         'Thank God It\'s Friday', 'Frequently Asked Questions']
    translationtable = dict(zip(intab, outtab)) 
    # {'TBA': 'To Be Announced', 'TGIF': "Thank God It's Friday", 'FAQ': 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'RIP': 'Rest In Peace'}