I have the following string
$message = "[quote=azerty]ce que je comprend pas c'est pourquoi j'ai due m'inscrire sur MQL5 ? [/quote]
C'est valable pour le système de signaux dans son ensemble, donc MT4 et MT5
[quote=azerty]si je mets le signal public ça change quoi ? [/quote]
Tu dois surtout mettre ton signal en gratuit, sinon tu devras payer pour suivre tes trades."
I am using the following code to match
callback_function($match) {
return "$match[1] wrote: <blockquote class='uncited'><p>$match[2]</p></blockquote>";
$str = preg_replace_callback("/\[quote=\"([^\"]+)\"\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/is", "callback_function", $message);
Instead of matching the 1st occurence of quote with 2nd occurence, it is matching with 4th occurence. Any way to change this?
Some things that may be corrected in your code:
tags, but there are no double quotes in [quote=azerty]
. Hence this part of your pattern will never match: \"([^\"]+)\"
, to match any characters except ]
$pattern = '/\[quote=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/is';
$replacement = "$1 wrote: <blockquote class='uncited'><p>$2</p></blockquote>";
$str = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $message);