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How to disable address randomization (ASLR) from an ELF file?

Solved: The solution was calling personality(0x40000). See details below in the comments.

Where does the ASLR flag resides within an ELF file? I need to disable ASLR for a specific library (.so). I've tried using objdump but I couldn't find out how to do so.

I can't use /proc because it doesn't appear to work on my Android 4.4.4, so I'm trying to modify the binary.

Edit: I've compiled the following:

#include <stdio.h>

void* getEIP()
    return __builtin_return_address(0) - 0x5;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    printf("EIP located at: %p\n", getEIP());
    return 0;

without ASLR (PIE):

arm-linux-androideabi-gcc.exe code.c -o noPIE --sysroot=%NDK%\platforms\android-3\arch-arm

with ASLR (PIE):

arm-linux-androideabi-gcc.exe -fPIE -pie code.c -o withPIE --sysroot=%NDK%\platforms\android-3\arch-arm

The noPIE binary indeed isn't being randomized, even though:

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space


  • I need to disable ASLR for a specific library (.so).

    You can't (and the ASLR does not reside anywhere in the ELF file because it's not a property of the ELF, it's a property of the kernel).

    What you can do is disable randomization for a given process. setarch -R is your friend.