I'm currently trying to implement StructureMap's AutoMocking functionality and I need help with getting the mocked .
I have a Test method as follows:
public void DirctoryResult_Returns_Groups()
var autoMocker = new RhinoAutoMocker<GroupController>(MockMode.AAA);
GroupController controller = autoMocker.ClassUnderTest;
var directoryResult = controller.DirectoryResult("b");
var fundDirectoryViewModel = (FundDirectoryViewModel)directoryResult.ViewData.Model;
Currently the test is failing because fundDirectoryViewModel.Groups
is null.
The real implementation of DirectoryResult
is as follows:
private readonly IGroupService _groupService;
public PartialViewResult DirectoryResult(string query)
return PartialView(new FundDirectoryViewModel
Groups =_groupService.GetGroupsByQuery(query)
where _groupService.GetGroupsByQuery(query)
uses an interface to IGroupRepository to read data from the database. Of course, I don't want my test to read data from the actual database, but can somebody tell me how to get mock data for it?
What do I need to do to get the AutoMocker to mock the fake data for me?
for reference, this is the definition of GroupService & GroupRepository
public class GroupService : IGroupService
private readonly IGroupRepository _groupRepository;
public GroupService(IGroupRepository groupRepository)
_groupRepository = groupRepository;
public IList<CompanyGroupInfo> GetGroupsByQuery(string query)
return _groupRepository.GetGroupsByQuery(query);
public class GroupRepository : DataUniverseRepository, IGroupRepository
public GroupRepository(ISession session)
_session = session;
public IList<CompanyGroupInfo> GetGroupsByQuery(string query)
// dig into the database and return stuff with _session..
I've been informed that the question was wrong. Automocker doesn't mock data like that. It's up to me to specify the fake data with Rhino Mocks.
This works:
public void DirctoryResult_Returns_Groups()
var service = autoMocker.Get<IGroupService>();
service.Expect(srv => srv.GetGroupsByQuery(Arg<string>.Is.Anything))
.Return(new List<CompanyGroupInfo>
new CompanyGroupInfo(),
new CompanyGroupInfo(),
new CompanyGroupInfo()
var directoryResult = _controller.DirectoryResult("b");
var fundDirectoryViewModel = (FundDirectoryViewModel)directoryResult.ViewData.Model;
Assert.That(fundDirectoryViewModel.Groups.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
service.AssertWasCalled(srv => srv.GetGroupsByQuery(Arg<string>.Is.Equal("b")));