In my libGDX application I have an actor which needs to create actions programmatically.
At the minute I am adding moveBy actions with incrementing delays in order to get the desired effect but this is very inefficient. Something like below;
actor.addAction(sequence(delay(i * DELAY), moveBy(50, 50));
If possible I would like to programmatically create one single sequence action and add moveBy actions to it as needed. Then I could just invoke a single action without having to continually add actions which is very unresourceful.
I have checked the documentation and could not find anything specific to my particular need.
I was thinking something along the lines of (pseudo code);
addPath(Vector2 path) {
invokePathAction() {
Action sequence = sequence();
for all paths
sequence.add(moveBy(path.x, path.y, TIME));
Is something like this possible with libGDX?
Of course - there is addAction method in the SequenceAction class
MoveToAction action1 = new MoveToAction();
action1.setPosition(0, 0);
MoveToAction action2 = new MoveToAction();
action2.setPosition(-500, 0);
SequenceAction sequence = new SequenceAction();
if you want to clear all actions and have "empty" sequence again you can call