I have a div, listing properties of the object POI = {"address":"Martinsicuro (TE), Italy", "phone":"+39 333 45657", "website':'http://mysite.it"}
. The object POI si owned by a Service. The directive's controller has the function getPoi()
that gets the POI from the service, and returns it to the directive.
My current HTML is something like this:
<table ng-controller="Controller as ctrl">
<tr> <!-- address -->
<tr> <!-- phone -->
<tr> <!-- website -->
<a ng-href="{{ctrl.getPoi().website}}">
The controller
.controller('Controller', function(CurrentPoiService)
this.getPoi = function()
{ return CurrentPoiService.POI; }
The service
.service('CurrentPoiService', function()
this.POI = {"address":"Martinsicuro (TE), Italy", "phone":"+39 333 45657", "website':'http://mysite.it"}
In this way I am adding 3 watchers. Is there a way to add just 1 watcher, since it's the same parent object? Here it is a JSFiddle Thank you
[UPDATE 1] This is the (still not working) JSFiddle using the solution proposed by @Charlie
[UPDATE 2] This is the working JSFiddle
As Claies has mentioned in a comment, you should never call your data from the view through a function this way.
In this scenario you can create a watch for the POI
object with the objectEquality
argument true
to watch the properties of the object in a single $watch. Then find your elements inside the listener and change the value in the way you want.
$scope.$watch('POI', function(){
//Assume that $scope.propertyIndex is the current property to display
angular.element($document[0].querySelector("#myTd" + $scope.propertyIndex)).html(POI.address);
angular.element($document[0].querySelector("#myTd" + $scope.propertyIndex)).html(POI.phone);
}, true);
You have a better control this way. But please keep in mind that this method is not suitable if POI is a complex object.
Here is a working example of showing a random number every second using a watch and a factory. You should be able to learn from this and apply it to your project.
myApp.controller('myController', function($scope, dataSource) {
$scope.poi = {rand: 0};
$scope.$watch('poi', function() {
}, true);
myApp.factory('dataSource', function($interval) {
return {
open: function(scope){
$interval(function() {
scope.poi.rand = Math.random();
}, 1000);