I have a ticket support form on my site which right now has a field which returns (in the admin area) the name of the person who submitted the form.
Anyone know how I would modify this to display their user role instead? ie. Subscriber, Editor, etc.
$user=get_userdata( $ticket->created_by );
I'm guessing it'll be something with this stuff in it...but I'm not too savy when it comes to this.
function get_user_role() {
global $current_user;
$user_roles = $current_user->roles;
$user_role = array_shift($user_roles);
return $user_role;
Please change last line of your code to this:
So that your current code which display First Name i.e.
$user=get_userdata( $ticket->created_by );
Above code will become:
$user=get_userdata( $ticket->created_by );
Update: To remove underscore with space your code may become as:
$user=get_userdata( $ticket->created_by );
$raised_by= ucwords(str_replace("_"," ",$user->roles[0]));
You may notice, I have added ucwords function of PHP also, it is to make sure , roles on the screen look good, i.e. admin will be shown as Admin etc.
Also you may notice roles[0], 0 means that data currently we have there is as an array. So we are picking the first user roles from all the roles assigned to the user. I am sure it will be sufficient for your needs.
Let me know if this solves your issue or you still need any help. You can post in comments. Or Update your question.