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Bulk disable local accounts found in text/csv file

I am in need to disable about 250 local user accounts based on input in a text file or CSV-file and then export the result into a CSV file.

I have searched the net quiet a bit but I'm unable to find anything i can tailor togheter. Here is what I've tried;

This is one I tried:

$Workdir = 'C:\scripts\' 
$Output = $Workdir + 'Disabled-UserReport.csv' 
$InputFile = $Workdir + 'Users_To_Disable.csv' 
$Servers = 'LOCALHOST' 
Import-CSV $InputFile | ForEach-Object {
    $Server = $_ ([ADSI]"WinNT://$Server").Children | ? {$_.SchemaClassName -eq 'user'} | % { $User.UserFlags[0] = $User.UserFlags[0] -bor 0x2 $User.SetInfo() }
}| Export-CSV -Encode UTF8 -Path C:\scripts\Disabled-Users.csv

This is try two:

$Servers = 'LOCALHOST'
$Username = Import-CSV "C:\scripts\Users_To_Disable.csv"
$Username | FOREACH { 
    $Server = $_ 
    $objGroup = [ADSI]("WinNT://$env:ComputerName/User")
    $User.description = $description 
    <#$User.userflags = $DisableUser#> 
} | Export-CSV -Encode UTF8 -Path C:\scripts\Disabled-Users.csv

I know there is something very wrong with both scripts....and as you can see I'm a noob learning PS whenever I get the time :) It would be great if it works in PS2. But required to work with PS4.

Any help is appreciated!


  • Yes I finally managed last week.... Thank you! Code if some other newbies want. It disabled accounts based on inputs from a textfile and also sets the accounts to Password Never Expire and Password Cannot Be Changed;

    $EnableUser = 512 
    $DisableUser = 2 
    $PasswordNotExpire = 65536 
    $PasswordCantChange = 64 
    $users = Get-Content -path "C:\Users_To_Disable.txt" 
    $computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    Foreach($user in $users){ $user = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computer/$user"
    $user.userflags = $DisableUser+$PasswordNotExpire+$PasswordCantChange
    #$user.Userflags = $EnableUser+$PasswordNotExpire+$PasswordCantChange