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Is there any directive called ng-int? What is wrong with my ng-init syntax?

I want to initialize an angular variable with local scope BWCount.

When i use ng-init I get the following error Error: $parse:syntax

But when I use ng-int (It was a typo, but turns out to be a surprising serendipity), it works fine and I can even use that variable in other markups.

What is happening here? Am I using the incorrect syntax for ng-init? And what is this ng-int (I don't have any custom directive called ngInt)

I am using Visual studio 2013 and have have the following markup:

<div ng-int="{{BWCount=(oCurrentDepartment.oMachineAccount|sumByKey:'BWCOUNT')}}">{{BWCount}}</div>

Notice ng-int


  • ng-init expects an angular expression, so you must not have {{ }} around it.

    Your code works simply because angular considers ng-int as a basic HTML attribute, and evaluates the expression surrounded by {{ }} at each digest cycle. Not just at initialization.

    ng-init should be avoided anyway. That code should be in your controller.