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Karaf add additional property to existing config file

I have a bundle which uses a configuration file org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.config.cfg with one property:

org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.msg="I am a HelloServiceConfig!!"

My blueprint for using ConfigAdmin is like:

<cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.config" update-strategy="reload" >
        <cm:property name="org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.msg" value="Hello World!"/>

<bean   id="hello-service-config"

    <property name="helloServiceConfiguration">
              <prop key="org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.msg" value="${org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.msg}"/>

<service ref="hello-service-config" interface="org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.IHelloService" />

This works fine as long as I can change the value of the property and the bundle automatically updates the property.

I am wondering if there's any way of adding a new property to my config file without having to change the blueprint (which involves compile/package again).Of course my bundle should be ready to handle new properties.

Not sure if this makes sense in OSGi. Can anyone give me a hint of how to dynamically add new properties to an existing configuration file and make them available in ConfigAdmin?


  • @yodamad showed me that properties were being updated in my ConfigurationAdmin service, but unfortunately my bundel was not receiving the new properties because in the bean definition I was just using a fixed property.

    Finally in order to get new properties from config files I have changed my blueprint definition as follows:

    <cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.config" update-strategy="reload" >
    <bean   id="hello-service-config"
    <service ref="hello-service-config" interface="org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.IHelloService" />
    <reference id="hello-service-config-admin" interface=""
        <reference-listener bind-method="setConfigAdmin"
            <ref component-id="hello-service-config"/>

    I have a reference to the ConfigurationAdmin service so, now I can check all properties for my bundle as:

    public void setConfigAdmin(ConfigurationAdmin cfgAdmin) {
        this.cfgAdmin = cfgAdmin;
        try {
            Configuration cfg =   cfgAdmin.getConfiguration("org.jemz.karaf.tutorial.hello.service.config");
            Dictionary<String, Object> properties = cfg.getProperties();
            Enumeration<String> en = properties.keys();
            while(en.hasMoreElements()) {
                String key = en.nextElement();
                System.out.println("KEY: " + key + " VAL: " + properties.get(key));
        } catch (IOException e) {

    As my 'update-strategy' is reload I can get updated whenever a new ConfigurationAdmin service is registered.

    Any comment about my approach is welcome!