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Installing Bootstrap 4 with bower

I have generated a yeoman website and that comes along with bootstrap 3, how can I install bootstrap 4 instead.

The tutorials all say to just run "bower install bootstrap", but that just installs bootstrap 3 again.


  • First of all remove old bootstrap from your project (remove bower_components/bootstrap/ directory)

    Than you have two options:

    1. Bower command with particular version:

    bower install bootstrap#4.0

    2. Using bower.json file

    create file called bower.json in your project root (see example below)

        "name": "app-name",
        "version": "0.0.1",
        "dependencies": {
            "bootstrap": "4.0"

    then run

    bower install

    I'd recommend second option with bower.json file, because this is more flexible solution, you can use boser.json for other packages you need, by simple adding new line.