I'm trying to display a text that would be wrapped on the left and only after special characters in the string.
I Hope the first part could be done in XAML, and I'm pretty sure the second part cannot.
The aim is to wrap a text this way :
- Original text : "Object1.Object2.Object3.Property1"
- Wrapped text could be (depending on the width available for the text):
- - "....Object2.Object3.Property1"
- - "....Object3.Property1"
- - "....Property1"
Do you know anyway to do that? I tried to use the TextBlock "TextWrapping" and "TextTrimming" properties, without success.
Thank you for your answers
You cannot do that with TextWrapping nor another WPF property. Instead you can write a custom converter and send the width of textblock as a binding parameter.