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Specify Binding of DependencyProperty in UserControl itself

Following up on my previous question (Change brushes based on ViewModel property)

In my UserControl I have have a DependencyObject. I want to bind that object to a property of my ViewModel. In this case a CarViewModel, property name is Status and returns an enum value.

public partial class CarView : UserControl
    public CarStatus Status
        get { return (CarStatus)GetValue(CarStatusProperty); }
        set { SetValue(CarStatusProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty CarStatusProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("Status", typeof(CarStatus), typeof(CarView), new PropertyMetadata(OnStatusChanged));

    private static void OnStatusChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        var control = (CarView)obj;
        control.LoadThemeResources((CarStatus)e.NewValue == CarStatus.Sold);

    public void LoadThemeResources(bool isSold)
        // change some brushes

<UserControl x:Class="MySolution.Views.CarView"
             views:CarView.Status="{Binding Status}">   
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Brand}"FontSize="22" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>

Where do I need to specify this binding? In the root of the UserControl it gives an error:

The attachable property 'Status' was not found in type 'CarView'

In my MainWindow I bind the CarView using a ContentControl:

    Content="{Binding CurrentCar}">
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewmodel:CarViewModel}">
            <views:CarView />

My ViewModel:

public class CarViewModel
    public Car Car { get; private set; }

    public CarStatus Status
            if (_sold) return CarStatus.Sold;
            return CarStatus.NotSold;


  • your binding isn't well written. instead of writing views:CarView.Status="{Binding Status}" you should write only Status="{Binding Status}"