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Running Total until specific condition is true

I'm having a table representing the dealers cards and their rank. I'm now trying to make a query (as fast as possible) to set status on the game.

(As said before, only the dealer cards is shown)
W = Win
S = Stand
L = Loss
B = Blackjack (in two cards)

About the rules: The dealer wins at 21, if it's in two cards its blackjack. If the rank is between 17 and 20 it's S = stand. Over 21 is a loss.


1 (ACE) - 1 or 11 rank. Counted as 11.

2-10 - 2-10 rank

11-13 (knight - king) - 10 rank

║ Id ║ Rank ║ Status ║
║  1 ║    1 ║        ║
║  2 ║    5 ║        ║
║  3 ║    8 ║ L      ║  //24 = Loss
║  4 ║    3 ║        ║
║  5 ║    1 ║        ║
║  6 ║    7 ║ W      ║  //21 = Win
║  7 ║   10 ║        ║
║  8 ║    1 ║ B      ║  //21 = Blackjack
║  9 ║   10 ║        ║

I've tried to use a counter to check if it's blackjack and then I'm using a "RunningPoint" to check the sum of the cards.

I have now a solution bad it shows very bad performance when it's a lot of data. How would you do this and what can I do to optimize my query? When using more data I also need to use option (maxrecursion 0)

(When having 1 million rows it's not even possible to run this...)

My example:!6/3855e/1


  • There's no efficient solution using plain SQL (including Windowed Aggregate Functons), at least nobody found one, yet :-)

    Your recursive query performs bad because it's way too complicated, this is a simplified version:

    Edit: Fixed the calculation (Fiddle)

    WITH ctePoints AS
       SELECT 1 AS id
               WHEN rank >= 10 THEN 10
               WHEN rank = 1 THEN 11
               ELSE rank
             END AS Point
            ,1 AS Counter
       FROM dbo.BlackJack
       WHERE Id = 1
       UNION ALL
       SELECT t2.Id
            ,CASE WHEN t1.Point < 17 THEN t1.Point ELSE 0 END 
             + CASE 
                 WHEN t2.rank >= 10 THEN 10
                 WHEN t2.rank = 1 THEN 11
                 ELSE t2.rank
               END AS Point
            ,CASE WHEN t1.Point < 17 THEN t1.Counter + 1 ELSE 1 END AS Counter
       FROM dbo.BlackJack AS t2
       INNER JOIN ctePoints AS t1 ON t2.Id = t1.Id + 1
    SELECT ctepoints.*
            WHEN Point < 17 THEN ''
            WHEN Point < 20 THEN 'S'
            WHEN Point > 21 THEN 'L'
            WHEN Point = 21 AND Counter = 2 THEN 'B'
            ELSE 'W' 
          END AS DealerStatus            
    FROM ctePoints

    It's probably still too slow, because it processes row by row.

    I usually use recursive SQL to replace cursor logic (because in my DBMS it's usually much faster) but a cursor update might actually be faster (Demo):

    CREATE TABLE #BlackJack
      ,Rank INT
      ,DealerStatus CHAR(1)
    insert into #BlackJack (Id, Rank)
    (1, 1),(2, 5), (3, 8), (4, 3), (5, 1), (6, 7), (7, 10), (8, 1),(9, 10), (10, 10), (11,1);
    DECLARE @Counter INT = 0
            ,@Point INT = 0
            ,@id int
            ,@Rank int
            ,@DealerStatus char(1)
    SELECT id, Rank
    FROM #BlackJack 
    ORDER BY id FOR UPDATE OF DealerStatus
    OPEN c
    FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @id, @Rank
        SET @counter = @counter + 1
        SET @Rank = CASE
                      WHEN @Rank >= 10 THEN 10
                      WHEN @Rank  = 1  THEN  11
                      ELSE @Rank
        SET @Point = @Point + @Rank
        SET @DealerStatus = CASE 
                              WHEN @Point < 17 THEN ''
                              WHEN @Point < 20 THEN 'S'
                              WHEN @Point > 21 THEN 'L'
                              WHEN @Point = 21 AND @Counter = 2 THEN 'B'
                              ELSE 'W' 
        IF @Point >= 17 
          UPDATE  #BlackJack 
          SET DealerStatus = @DealerStatus
          WHERE CURRENT OF c;
          SET @Point = 0
          SET @Counter = 0
        FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @id, @Rank
    CLOSE c
    SELECT * FROM #BlackJack ORDER BY id

    Still @lad2025's "quirky update" is the fastest way to get the expected result, but it's using an undocumented feature and if a Service Pack breaks it there's no way to complain about it :-)